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Benefits of organic and naturally sourced products:

Mango butter-protects skin from sun

Shaebutter- softens and sooths skin

Cocoa butter-antioxidents polyphenols, moisurizes, antiinflamitory and antiaging

Babassu oil-effective emollient, skin protector, wound healing, antiinflamitroy,         antibacterial, moisturize skin and hair.

Arrow root-natural thickener

Bergamot EO-relaxation, helps with digestion.

MyrrhEO-kills bacteia, sun screen, decrease pain, infections and skin sores.

Lemon EO- uplifting, clarifying, astrigent.

Frankincese EO-decrease inflamation, moisturize skin.

Butter-Soothing Butter

2 Ounces
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